This website is dedicated to a great old airplane and the guys who flew and maintained her — and that means YOU ! We’re going to make available as much of the official documentation as it’s possible to obtain at this late date, but that’s only part of the story.
Many of you, front and back end types alike, sent photos to J.C. years ago. Some of these can still be seen on the legacy site. But some have been lost, and others are of very poor quality. So dig through those closets and boxes again — or maybe for the first time — scan those images in high resolution and send 'em in via the “Contact Us” feature at the top of the home page.
If you’re really ambitious and want to do a narrative to go with the pictures, we can handle that too. In fact we encourage it. Send a shot of yourself from “back in the day”, a brief sketch of your EC-47 experience (job, base, tour dates, etc.), along with any post-USAF info you’d like to include, and send it in. We’ll create your very own page — subject to your approval, of course — and post it here.
Chuck Miller, 361st TEWS, 1967-68. Great article featuring ferry flight across the Pacific and early Phyllis Ann operations.
Robert M. Cameron, 360th TEWS, 1969-70. A navigator's tour on the Electric Goon. Reprinted from the Friends Journal of the AF Museum.
J.C. Wheeler, 361st Flight Mechanic, 1966-67. Featuring one of the first Phyllis Ann flights, and more.
Gary McPherson, a supply type who found himself deployed with DRILL PRESS
J.C. Wheeler. An open letter to EC-47 Veterans—Send in those stories!
Ray Rhode, 362nd TEWS Maintenance Officer, tells the "Goonfighter" EC-47 story—with some great color photos of the sharkmouth paint job.
Curtis Mann, ex-Gooney Bird crew chief, tells about his adventures with a VIP transport at TSN.
Charlie Phippin, one of the "Dirty Dozen" back enders to open Det. 1 at Nha Trang, shares his experiences.
Terry Ward tells about his experiences as an analyst supporting Operation JUNCTION CITY.
Tom Echols describes the recovery effort at the TIDE 86 crash site.
George Hollis talks about the DRILL PRESS mission.
Alan Brown remembers his tour as pilot in the 360th TEWS.
J.J. Pitzeruse's "Airborne Operations and Adventures" tells about some "non-mission" aspects of life in Southeast Asia.
Bob Hull, Det. 1, 6994th Scty Sqn (Nha Trang). Bob puts a different twist on his flying experiences.
Jose Silva was the flight mech on one of the early (Sep '66) PHYLLIS ANN birds.
Dick Graham describes — with lots of pix — "Rocket City" (Da Nang) in 1972-73.
J.C. Wheeler looks a the EC-47 mission in "Unarmed, Alone, and Afraid."
Ed Diehl of the 362nd TEWS describes rocket attacks at both Pleiku and Da Nang.
Jim Clement, co-pilot on the last USAF EC-47 flight from TSN, shares his memories.
Gordon Bassett, an aircraft commander in the 362nd, tells about a close call with a B-52 strike.