As soon as the dedication and memorialization ceremonies are complete, the narrator will announce instructions for visiting the plaza, going to the reception area for a bite to eat, and photo sessions at the aircraft.
Presentations will be made, and photos taken near the aircraft and plaza at a place with the best possible background and sun/shade angles as determined by our professional photographer. The narrator will point out that location during his announcement. The following groups are invited to go directly to the presentation/photo area at the end of the regular ceremony.
Please make your way to the designated photo area ASAP following the announcement.
1. First priority is lapel pin & certificate presentation and group photo of four Vietnam veterans (Dayton, Lukowiak, Maynard & Williams) who are scheduled to depart for their journey home asap after the end of the ceremony.
2. Second priority is deceased Vietnam veteran surviving spouse Lorraine Bedingfield and her family. She will be presented with a Vietnam War Commemoration Blue Star lapel pin and Certificate of Honor. Family members will be presented with a special EC-47 History Site Commemoration Partner Program (CPP) Blue Star Family lapel pin. Family photos will be taken during and following the short presentation.
3. Stiglich Family photo. James will be presented the Vietnam War Commemoration Gold Star family member lapel pin and certificate at dinner Friday evening.
4. Helms, a DVVSS surviving spouse will be presented the Blue Star lapel pin and certificate at dinner. This is a photo op for her and EC-47 crews that may wish to join her.
5. Johnson, a DVVSS surviving spouse will be presented the Blue Star lapel pin and certificate at dinner. This is a photo op for her and her escorts, Bob & Joan Andress.
6. Schwertner, a DVVSS surviving spouse will be presented the Blue Star lapel pin and certificate at dinner. This is a photo op for her and her family. A special Blue Star Family pins will be presented to attending family members.
7. Beran brothers photo op and presentation of special Blue Star Family lapel pin.
8. Croak family including Bob & Ginny Askew photo op and presentation of our special Blue Star Family lapel pin.
9. Eddy family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
10. Flage family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
11. Havlak family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
12. Henderson family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
13. Hooper family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
14. Moore (Atherton) photo op and lapel pin presentations.
15. Nikolauk family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
16. Nurre family photo op and lapel pin presentations. (Includes Kollasch, Snyder & Velas family members.)
17. Powell (McKinney) family photo op and lapel pin presentations.
18. Shea & Davies photo op and lapel pin presentations.
18.5 Stuart photo op and lapel pin presentations with Croissant.
Last, but by no means least, will be a Gatherin' at the Goon group shot of all who served in the EC-47 program.
Please note: Our photog will be around for the duration, so if you want a special shot after all the scheduled groups are finished, just ask. He'll also be at the Friday dinner and hanging out off and on at the Hospitality Hootch, so go for it!